Wednesday, October 6, 2010

MMMM Jew Bread

Challah Bread
It is that time of the year again. Us jews will repent and reflect on the year and fast for a day. We are light weights in our dedication to fasting when you compare us to Islamics and their month longish fast.  In my family we would sneak out of temple and get some slurpees from 7-11 mid-service. High holy day services where held at the old high school in the center of town due to high numbers of attendees. If we went on any day of the year….this was the big one to go to.  You made up for a year of wrong doings and lazy mitzvahs simply through 10 days of reflection and one day of no eating. We would indulge in brisket, mashed potatoes, veggies and hallah bread at sundown. Never had I felt more famished, except on the years where I snuck Entenmanns soft chocolate chocolate chip cookies from the kitchen.

Now I celebrate in VT, converting friends to Judaism for a day and night. This year I was determined to make my very own hallah bread, mostly because it is hard to find. Hallah is the traditional Jewish Sabbath and holiday egg bread. On special occasions we say a blessing over two loaves of bread to symbolize the bread that was given to jewish children on friday nights during the exodus from Egypt. The braided version symbolizes love (intertwined arms) and each braid typically symbolizes truth,peace, and justice. The round loaves are used for Rosh Hashanah to symbolize having no beginning and no end.  I used a recipe from The Book of Jewish Food by Claudia Roden cookbook my sister got me for Christmas…. yes think that through. Damn you inter religious family. After careful research on how to braid the bread, because I clearly didn’t learn how to do hallah braids at tap and jazz, and having my friend read the instructions out loud as I braided, I had a delightful looking bread, well the second one...the first one looked a bit nuclear in shape. If you find yourself with excess bread, it is a well known fact that stale hallah bread makes the ultimate french toast!